Beta-Actin mRNA Quantitation

β-Actin mRNA Quantitation

To determine the ideal dilution of samples to be used for subsequent qPCR experiments using these samples. Only dilution standards will be measured today, to determine the ideal dilution that will give a sufficiently low Ct, as well as enough sample for the entire experiment. Once determined, samples will be diluted and measured for each gene.

Dilute the primers
- β-Actin 20 μM stock. Final concentration of primers in reaction is 0.8 μM. Annealing temperature is 60°C.

- Pool 3 μl from each of 42 samples. 42x3μl = 126μl

* 1 -- 126μl Pool -- (1)
* 1:2 -- 30μl of Std 1 + 30μl H2O
* 1:3 -- 30μl of 1:2 + 15μl H2O
* 1:5 -- 30μl of 1 + 120μl H2O -- (0.2)
* 1:25 -- 30μl of 1:5 + 120μl H2O -- (0.04)
* 1:125 -- 30μl of 1:25 + 120μl H2O -- (0.008)
* 1:625 -- 126μl of 1:125 + 120μl H2O -- (0.0016)


mouse β-Actin Volume (μl) Sample # Final Volume (μl)
iQ SYBR Green Supermix 12.5 18 225
β-Actin Forward Primer (20μM) 1 18 18
β-Actin Reverse Primer (20μM) 1 18 18
Sterile water 9.5 18 171
Final Volume (-DNA) 24 Final Volume 432

* Assay
- Add 24μl each of Master mix to all wells.
- Add 1μl cDNA of each sample, in duplicate. Follow template:

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 1 1:5 1:25 1:125 1:625 NTC 2x 3x
B " " " " " " " "

PCR Conditions
SYBR Green
1 hold -- 95°C -- 3 minutes
40 cycles -- 95°C -- 15 seconds
40 cycles -- 60°C -- 30 seconds
40 cycles -- 72°C -- 30 seconds
+ Dissociation Curve

β-Actin Quantitation

Dilute Samples
- Dilute samples 5x
- V2/V1 = DF; V2 = V1 x 5; H2O = V2 - V1;


mouse β-Actin Volume (μl) Sample # Final Volume (μl)
iQ SYBR Green Supermix 12.5 102 1275
β-Actin Forward Primer (20μM) 1 102 102
β-Actin Reverse Primer (20μM) 1 102 102
Sterile water 9.5 102 969
Final Volume (-DNA) 24 Final Volume 2448

* Assay
- Add 24μl each of Master mix to all wells.
- Add 1μl cDNA of each sample, in duplicate. Follow template:

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 1 1:5 1:25 1:125 1:625 NTC 1 2 3 4 5 6
B " " " " " " " " " " " "
C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
D " " " " " " " " " " " "
E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
F " " " " " " " " " " " "
G 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

PCR Conditions
SYBR Green
1 hold -- 95°C -- 3 minutes
40 cycles -- 95°C -- 15 seconds
40 cycles -- 60°C -- 30 seconds
40 cycles -- 72°C -- 30 seconds
+ Dissociation Curve